Sunday, October 18, 2009

Run the run

Holy Mother of all things good! I have 2 words for you.....


I have to start by saying that I am NOT a big fan of pumpkin, at least not in the sweet version that seems to be everywhere right now. Nope to the Pumpkin Spice Lattes, Nope to the Pumpkin Muffins and No thank you to the Pumpkin Cheesecake. But being fall and loving soups I figured I'd give this a shot. After all my sister absolutely LOVES pumpkin in any way shape or form and well, if I didn't like it I could always pass it along to her. It was very easy peasy and surprisingly (to me) delicious!! Just what I needed after the tongue lashing I had to give myself this morning on my run!

Here are the stats:
Duration: 1:02
Distance: 5:16 miles
mile 1: 12:21 (included .50 warm up)
mile 2: 11:13
mile 3: 12:17
mile 4: 12:31
mile 5: 10:58 (finally warmed up!)
last .16: 3:09 (cool down)

How does that saying go? "The road to Hell was paved with good intentions." Well I'm not sure it was HELL worthy but close enough. I set out this morning with good intentions and they quickly went to Hell in a handbasket! I hadn't even reached mile 2 yet and was walking. The internal dialogue had been started "just do 3 miles" "No, you set out to do 5, your doing 5, even if you have to walk it". Well, I decided I was doing 5 if it killed me and the faster my legs covered that 5 miles the sooner I'd be done. So, I kept putting one foot in front of the other and knew I'd get there eventually. The only mile that didn't include a walk break was mile 5 and that still felt slow.

The awesome thing about running though is that regardless how bad it feels while your doing it, finishing it always feels AMAZING! I was proud that I did what I set out to do. Happy that I got up early to do it and the rest of the day would be a walk in the park. I constantly have to remind myself that I cannot compare myself to other people that are running 8 and 9 minute miles. I'm just not there yet, may never be there but all I can do is strive to be MY best. Not THEIR best. And I also need to get out there and put in the miles. Reading, talking and blogging about running are not going to improve my running. It's the actual running that will make me stronger and I need to make a better effort to put in my miles.



Unknown said...

After having pumpkin soup at a restaurant last Friday I have had it on the BRAIN and have been on the lookout for a recipe! It's like this feel into my lap!

Great job on the run, I know exactly what you mean that sometimes you don't want to do it, you make yourself push through and you're so glad you did at the end. Way to go - and I WANT A GARMIN! I'm totally drooling over your running gadgetry!

Mel -Tall Mom on the Run said...

The tough runs are what make you STRONGER!!! Your run sounds like mine, self talk, reassess and get going.

NEVER NEVER compare yourself to others. Your goals and accomplishments should be set our your milestones. We all Finish together regardless of the Clock.

Hmmm pumpkin soup, I will tkae your word for it..

Anonymous said...

way to get out there and just do it! Thanks for stopping by my blog- I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Anonymous said...

I need to get back on the treadmill. I've been pushing myself and then all week I was WIPED

WHY is progress always like that?
2 steps forward and 1.5 steps back!

I love pumpkin but I haven't actually managed to get a can open.

what gives?
(it's the yam fetish I have right now)

have a great night!

Lele said...

Oooh spicy pumpkin soup sounds like a fun new twist.