Saturday, October 10, 2009

Shoulda, coulda, woulda...

I wish I could say I was running as FAST as this photo would have you believe...
Josh aka: Speedy with his 2 sidekicks Michelle and Bern...

After a week long cold, which seemed to be getting better as the week progressed, I woke up this morning really tired and congested. I had such high hopes for this 5k, it was a hometown race, I knew the course like the back of my hand, it couldn't have been any flatter and I just wanted to PR...

  • hydrated better this week, my water intake was the saddest it's been in a LONG time!
  • ran at least twice this week, but coming off of a Cycling vacation (150 miles) and a cold, I rested.
  • had a PR with this course... :o(
  • been happy if SOMEONE from my family (the non-runners) had been there to cheer us on... after over a year of running races and having this in our hometown, merely blocks from home it would have been extremely nice to see the parents or kids at the finish line. I totally get that it's early on a Saturday but come on! I mean I've sat my cold sorry ass on many a soccer field, baseball field, gymnastics, get the picture. I understand WHY they didn't come but still if we're being honest here, it would have been nice. That's all I've got to say about that.
All in all, it was a fun run, extremely crowded and LOTS of very young kids and walkers. They had a huge turn out. I'm disapointed in myself but at the same time I know that in the moment I gave it my all. I guess my disapointment comes from the feeling that I've been running over a year now and my 5k times just are not improving, I feel that I should be closer to a 30 minute 5k by now. We start our half marathon training this week so hopefully with that and our increased distance I will see some improvement. It's been a good running year and overall I am proud to at least have stuck with it. As we come to the end of this year I can't help but think about what goals I'd like to make for the new year, I guess one would be to improve my 5k time and shoot for a 30 min time....


Mel -Tall Mom on the Run said...

Love the photo...even a little blurry it is COOL!! What type of speedwork are you doing to increase your speed? Maybe incorporate some hill training, intervals or tempo runs.. I am still new to running but mixing in the speed work has helped me a lot.

Thanks for stopping in on my Blog today.. Enter as many times as you want this week!!

Unknown said...

I definitely found that my pace increased when my runs started getting longer. Speedwork really does help too. Like Hal Higdon says, if you want to run fast, you have RUN FAST! And I ALWAYS learn something from races!

Good luck with the start of half marathon training this week! How far out is your half?